Did anyone else consider that 'Superbad' may be a pseudo-sequel to 'Hot Tub Time Machine' in which the kid with glasses goes back in time to subtly help Jonah Hill and Michael Cera get laid? The clues are there if you look for them...
Binary Combination Lock
if you have one of those combination padlocks with three tumblers, each with the digits 0-9 on them that means that there are a possible 1o*10*10 combinations of numbers that can be displayed. 10*10*10 = 1000 (obviously) In order to have at least 1000 different combinations using tumblers that only have the digits 0-1 on them (the binary digits) you would have to have sufficient tumblers to display the number 999 (this is the same for the 3 tumblers using base 10, i.e. You can display 1000 numbers, all those up to 999 plus zero) You display 999 in binary like this: 1111100111 So you would need 10 tumblers. BUT the advantage is, with 10 tumblers using binary you can display a possible 1018 combinations. (1111111111 which is 1017, plus 0000000000 which is zero) Ergo 10 tumblers displaying 0-1 is much more secure and therefore sensible. QED