
Showing posts from June, 2008

Are you a geek?

First I'm going to define what I mean by using the word 'geek' as the word has many different meanings to different people. I'm using it to mean a person with a fanatical devotion to something that is essentially irrelevant to their life but they derive pleasure from, for example If you were a doctor and were fanatical about doctoring that doesn't count as it's your job and you get paid. Now you have to ask yourself why certain things are socially acceptable to be geeky about whereas other things are not. Let me demonstrate with an easy example: Say I spend my weekends at science fiction conventions dressed up as my favourite character from the Star Wars saga (an Ewok, naturally) with 200 other guys dressed up in a similar manner, that would make me a horrendous social outcast with no friends, no one would talk to me etc etc. HOWEVER, If I was to spend my weekends in the pub dressed in the shirt of my favourite football team watching a match with 200 other guys ...


( ) This is BRILLIANT. Computer Science is kicking some major ass.

Coming Soon (hopefully)

My review of Alejandro Jodorowsky's surreal masterpiece The Holy Mountain (I just need to re-watch it with commentary to get an idea of what the hell he was on about) My review of Zinda, also known as the Indian Oldboy ripoff. And possibly a review of the Indian Resavoir Dogs from the same director. My review of Sukiyaki Western Django, Takeshi Miike's new eastern. (that's a western set in the east)

Half-Life 2 Review

I'm continuing my adventure into the vast back catalogue of video games I missed first time around with Half-Life 2 (2004). I bought the Orange Box late last year on PC and played through Portal. Frankly I was blown sideways by the unbridled genius of it. An almost flawless game in my opinion. So, after completing that game, I moved on to Half-Life 2 which I missed in '04 when it was first released. I hit the first loading point. The game crashes. I restart. I hit the next loading point. The game crashes AGAIN. I quickly give up. Fast forward 7 months to this week and I've bought Orange Box for the Xbox 360. This time Half Life 2 doesn't crash. I just finished the game today so I thought I'd write down a few of my thoughts about what is considered by many to be one of the greatest games of all time. My first complaint is a major one. About halfway through the game I encountered a major glitch that meant I couldn't proceed at all. Basically a door that was suppos...